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Fully designing your process in

Medicinal Crops

From micropropagation to marketable product

The professional cultivation of medicinal crops is growing worldwide. Based on years of experience and the expertise of our partners, Viscon offers solutions for all steps of the production and cultivation process. From plant propagation to delivery of packaged product, including traceability in every step of the process.

The Viscon Medical Crops platform features many skilled companies in this field. All experienced in the horticultural and material handling sector, with the latest expertise in process and automation solutions. A one-stop shop solution for many projects that require turnkey automation.

Businesses we serve

cannabis tissue culture
Medicinal Crops

Medicinal crops

Viscon offers solutions in tissue culture production, automated cultivation and post-harvest processing, including traceability in every step of the process.

Medicinal Crops

Plant based vaccins

We provide fully automated vertical cultivation systems for plant-based vaccines, such as the coffee plant. Including young plant production and post-harvest processing.

cannabis tissue culture and cloning
Medicinal Crops

Other plants

Are you cultivating other medicinal crops and looking for automation solutions? We can create custom solutions for any crop and any growing system.


Young plant automation

Viscon Plant Technology provides turnkey solutions for automating any young plant production process. We design and manufacture our machines from stand-alone units to complete production lines to automate all labor-intensive processes.

We offer fully automated production lines with filling, seeding, (de)stacking, transplanting, watering and vision grading machines. Our logistic handling systems, potted plant transportation, soil handling, irrigation systems and track & trace delivery systems create the optimal flow in your nursery.

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Tissue culture labs

Whether experienced with tissue culture or new to the plant tissue culture world, we provide everything to build a complete cutting-edge tissue culture laboratory.

We provide a turnkey solution from the design of your facility to climate-controlled propagation rooms, labor-saving automation, lab equipment, growing consumables and protocol development.

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Crop production

Various viable production systems are seen in the medicinal crop industry. With Viscon, you have access to a wide range of equipment for growing plants indoors or outdoors, suitable for all kinds of systems and growing media.

We offer high-tech and fully automated solutions, whether the production line is based on table systems, concrete ebb and flow floors or any other system in the greenhouse. Viscon also provides fully controlled indoor multi-layer growing factories.

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Post harvest & processing

Viscon offers post harvesting automation solutions and automated processing equipment. Ranging from internal handling of picked flowers to unloading product carriers for processing, storing and final product handling. Viscon can also provide you with state of the art drying chambers and automation solutions for the extraction of oil.

We provide efficient solutions for compact storage systems and material handling processes like sorting, order picking, and palletizing. These automation solutions give you full control of your product flow and allow for space-efficient usage of your storage and production buildings.

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With our partner OTC Candy we supply solutions for the entire process of active candy production. We are your one-stop-shop, where we can help you from concept development to the production of your own unique product.

Our Innovation Centre is available for consultancy and pilot case studies to develop or improve your product recipes, such as vitamins, CBD, and different kinds of pain relieving candy.

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Industrial washing

Through our partner Unifortes we offer optimal cleaning solutions. Unifortes is strongly represented in the horticultural sector worldwide. Working with some of the biggest plant cultivators has given them significant knowledge of the washing needs in this sector.

Unifortes developed a wide range of highly efficient and hygienic washing and drying installations for all product carriers used in medicinal crops cultivation.

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Traceability & control software

As part of our integrated solution, Viscon’s Factory Intelligence software gives you optimal control and management of your entire logistical process, and ensures traceability in every step of the process.

Moreover, we can align your new machinery to communicate and store data and information to your management systems. With this software you can monitor and control your complete production line from behind your desk.

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Consultancy and R&D support

Viscon Group is led by plant-based innovation and science. Our R&D team continues to supply the know-how and best practices to our client network.

The experienced consultants in Viscon can help develop your unique growth protocols and implement training and fast-track R&D projects in your team. Our strong position in the industry makes it the perfect meeting point for new technology trends and developments.

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Supply chain solution

Together with our partners and preferred suppliers, Viscon is a full-service system integrator offering innovative solutions to automate and improve your medicinal crop cultivation.

Viscon offers a worldwide service, with a 24/7 helpdesk offering remote and local support. Every project is supervised by a project manager, who is the link between the customer and the platform members. A project approach is not only elementary to get the best results but also an area in which the Viscon expertise significantly stands out and delivers added value to your production process.

Medicinal crops

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Medicinal crop cultivation

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