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Fully designing your process in

Flowers & Plants

Excellence in sustainable
plant production systems

Viscon Plant Technology provides turnkey solutions for automating any horticultural production process. We offer solutions for young plant production and cultivation of ornamental plants, forestry and medicinal crops.

We design and manufacture our machines from stand-alone units to complete production lines so that you can automate all labor-intensive processes. Whether you grow from seed, tissue culture, embryos or cuttings, we help you get the most out of your young plant production.

Businesses we serve

Breeding solutions

Viscon provides plant propagation systems and automation solutions for plant breeders. We offer a reliable, scalable and safe way to help you select and develop the best starting material.

Our system is one of the cleanest production methods available. Plants grow in LED trolleys in climate-controlled chambers. The semi-perforated cultivation consumables preclude the spreading of diseases. In addition, we aim to automate every step in the breeding and young plant stage.

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Tissue culture labs

Whether experienced with tissue culture or new to the plant tissue culture world, we provide everything to build a complete cutting-edge tissue culture laboratory.

We provide a turnkey solution from the design of your facility to climate-controlled propagation rooms, labor-saving automation, lab equipment, growing consumables and protocol development.

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Young plant automation

Viscon Plant Technology provides turnkey solutions for automating any young plant production process. We design and manufacture our machines from stand-alone units to complete production lines to automate all labor-intensive processes.

We offer fully automated production lines with filling, seeding, (de)stacking, transplanting, watering and vision grading machines. Our logistic handling systems, potted plant transportation, soil handling, irrigation systems and track & trace delivery systems create the optimal flow in your nursery.

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AutoStix® is a revolutionary system to automate the process of sticking cuttings. Together with one of the biggest cutting producers in the world, we developed AutoStix® to create great efficiency in your nursery.

This turnkey concept consists of a unique transplanter-strip combination to help you get through peak season. AutoStix® is available with various strips and machine configurations and can achieve capacities of up to 11,000 cuttings per hour.

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Greenhouse logistics

Viscon provides various logistic solutions for handling trays, pots, racks, boxes, soil supply systems, and buffering and shipping. We design our transport solutions so they are always applicable to your specific operation.

We provide efficient solutions for every logistic challenge; wide belt conveyors, overhead cranes, YX transport systems, monorail internal transport systems, mobile box systems, tray delivery systems, soil storage, and supply systems.

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Pot handling

Logistics carried out as efficiently as possible in order to optimally utilize your nursery’s available space. The renowned Visser Space-O-Mat system has become a common concept in potplant nurseries.

The Space-O-Mat system consists of a fork-lift truck with transport forks and spacing legs. The system can be complemented by set-down and transfer robots, collecting stations, grading and buffer systems, trailer and table loading systems, conveyor belts, trailers, and aluminum cultivation table systems.

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Viscon offers a wide range of watering booms for plant nurseries. From semi-automatic to fully automatic watering and spraying systems. All required operational commands can be programmed using innovative, intelligent software.

The use of plant protection products through watering and spraying equipment must be carried out efficiently and, above all, safely. We are certified by SKL for the legally required inspection of spraying- and watering booms used in horticulture in The Netherlands.

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Industrial washing

Through our partner Unifortes, we offer quality cleaning solutions. Unifortes is strongly represented in the horticultural sector worldwide. Working with some of the biggest plant cultivators resulted in significant knowledge of the washing needs throughout the industry.

Unifortes developed a wide range of highly efficient and hygienic washing installations for all product carriers used in the horticulture industry. The portfolio ranges from stand-alone cleaning units to fully integrated cleaning solutions with filtration and drying systems.

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Traceability & control software

As part of our integrated solution, Viscon’s Factory Intelligence software gives you optimal control and management of your entire production process.

This next generation of software intelligently integrates all automation equipment. It allows for real-time monitoring to ensure process control across the production floor. A product’s location and status are available at any time and data is linked to other systems such as ERP. This gives tremendous benefits for supply chain Track & Trace management.

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Plant performance software

Data collection and analysis help to measure your plant performance and identify optimization opportunities across the production process.

With our dedicated software platform we focus on data coming from our machines & vision technology. Developments in AI, vision, robotics, and IoT open countless possibilities on validating germination rates and measuring plant batch performance!

Turnkey horticultural solutions

Viscon Plant technology designs, builds and implements your optimal production process. By partnering with other key horticultural suppliers Viscon offers turnkey solutions, always aiming for the highest quality achievable.

No matter which cultivation technique is applied in your nursery or plant factory. We can provide custom solutions that seamlessly fit your operation, whether you grow in plugs, cups, pots, trays, floats, soil blocks or any other medium like rockwool. Together with our partners we create solutions that can differentiate a production process to ensure a competitive advantage.

Michel Tettero | Area Sales Manager

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Viscon Plant Technology

Excellence in sustainable plant production systems

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