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Automation systems

Post-harvest, Packing & Storage automation

Viscon specializes in offering total logistic solutions for post-harvest processes of fruit and vegetables. Complete packing areas and production lines are designed by Viscon to process fresh produce carefully and with optimal precision.

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Total logistic solutions for post-harvest processes

Fresh produce automation

Designing complete packing centers

Fresh produce automation

Optimal control and full traceability management

Factory Inteligence sofware

End-of-line handling

Fresh produce automation

Our expertise


Viscon provides transport systems and autonomous mobile robots (AMRs) designed to efficiently move harvesting trolleys to the packing area. Moreover, we offer unloading systems for harvesting trolleys and tipping systems for crates to further streamline your processing operations.

New innovation

'Weigh' more features: Polyweighr

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Viscon supplies a diverse range of grading systems with optional automated supply and discharge solutions. These graders have the ability to provide a perfect combination of: weight, colour, size, and diameter grading. Available as one line and in multiple lane machines.


We offer both basic weighing lines, as well as fully automated weighing lines in our range of solutions. These can include: basic weighing scales, bench scales, check weighing systems, and linear and multihead- weighers. Also, Viscon’s weigh solutions can be used for process applications in weighing sealed or non-sealed packages, with or without a metal detection devices.

Discover our Polyweighr

Fresh Produce Automation

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Viscon offers a wide range of packing machinery: horizontal & vertical flow wrappers, netting machines, bag fillers, stretch film wrappers, ultasonic welding machines, and machinery for re-sealable lids. Viscon also supplies several types of case-packers that automatically packs the retail ready products into boxes or crates.


Viscon’s palletising and de-palletising solutions are able to process a diverse variety of: boxes, crates, various types of trays, and virtually any product of a rectangular design. These units can be integrated with pallet strapping and/or wrapping units as well. Viscon supplies several unique buffer systems which enable many types (sizes/grades) of products to be processed through one palletising unit.


Viscon offers fully automated single-layer and multiple-layer storage systems. Our storage systems combine the highest possible storage density, maximum flexibility, with 24/7 capacity. Our proprietary warehouse control software is an integral part of our turn-key solutions.

Industrial washing

Viscon offers smart cleaning solutions. Through our division Unifortes we offer a wide range of washing and drying installations for product carriers, such as trays, crates and pallets.

Traceability & control software

As part of our integrated solution, Viscon’s Factory Intelligence software gives you optimal control and management of your entire logistical process. This next generation of software intelligently integrates all automation functions. It offers product traceability and unlocks performance optimization. This allows our customers to get the most out of their production facility.

Factory Intelligence Software

Full process control & traceability

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Complete packing centers

Viscon specializes in complete packing centers to process fresh produce with great care and optimal efficiency. We design and build your entire production process, combining Viscon automation with specific equipment sourced from carefully selected partners. This means you will always find the best solution. 

We take care of the total project management from concept to commissioning. It’s about the integration of equipment into a complete system. Powered by software that creates higher efficiency and performance of your facility.

Integrated SOFTWARE


Justin Schoemaker | Sales Director

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