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Packing different tomato varieties

Cooperative GreenCoop is the first and the biggest organization producing vegetables in Slovakia, annually growing more than 10 million kilograms of high-quality home-grown tomatoes. Back in 2006, four young friends decided to take a leap and start their own tomato producing company. Now, a little over 10 years later, the company GreenCoop has grown into the largest tomato producer in Slovakia and continues to grow and expand, both in terms of new markets, but also in new developments.

We are delighted to be working with GreenCoop. The new packing facility is fitted with a range of Viscon’s integrated systems, including the processing abilities to move, sort, weigh, pack and label different varieties of tomatoes, ranging from classical tomatoes to the smallest and sweetest cherry tomatoes. Furthermore, the facility is equipped with fully automated palletizing lines.

Tomasz Zimnicki, area sales manager Viscon Eastern Europe: ‘We are pleased to cooperate with Greencoop. From the first designing meeting up to the day of starting up we created main goals; to maximize the work efficiency and improve work conditions for the Greencoop employees. We are very happy that those aims are achieved’.

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